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Clairvoyance and Occult Powers


Clairvoyance, thought transference, influence and psychic phenomena.

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20 powerful lessons in the psychic arts including:

  1. Clairvoyance
  2. Clairaudience
  3. Premonition and impressions
  4. Clairvoyant psychometry
  5. Clairvoyant crystal-gazing
  6. Distant clairvoyance
  7. Past clairvoyance
  8. Future clairvoyance
  9. Second-sight prevision
  10. Clairvoyant development
  11. Astral-body travelling
  12. Astral-plane phenomena
  13. Psychic influence – personal
  14. Psychic influence – distant
  15. Psychic attraction
  16. Psychic healing
  17. Telepathy
  18. Mind-reading
  19. Thought transference
  20. And other psychic phenomena

Clairvoyance and Occult Powers – Clairvoyance, thought transference, influence and psychic phenomena.

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