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Defeat Procrastination


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Procrastination is probably the most unproductive habit that many people possess. Its force is so immense that it can hinder individuals from being successful in their work, career, and life in general.

It is a sad fact that many of us have the tendency to procrastinate. Even though it is something that is regarded as unhelpful or even harmful, it may be very hard to find the strength within not to yield to its temptation. However, keep in mind that defeating procrastination is possible.

It can be easy and is highly recommendable to cast out procrastination from your system if you are serious in living a successful life. Psychologists define procrastination as the conscious or subconscious avoidance of doing something. And if its effects are neglected enough, it becomes a habit that is extremely difficult to get rid of.

What can you learn from this book?

  • The signs of procrastination and how to determine if you are a procrastinator.
  • The characteristics of procrastination and the way it negatively affects your aspirations and dreams.
  • The psychological and physiological aspects of procrastination.
  • Why procrastination is considered a behavioural problem.
  • Effective treatments against procrastination.
  • Why procrastination has such a strong hold on a person.
  • How other people perceive procrastinators and the reason behind those thoughts.
  • Different factors that contribute to procrastination.
  • The most common causes of procrastination.
  • Eight key points to check if you have the tendency to procrastinate.
  • The major emotions that you should focus on developing to effectively eliminate procrastination.
  • The reasons why procrastination is considered as a big personal issue.
  • The facets of your personal life that is affected by procrastination.
  • How procrastination becomes evident in your performance at school, at work, and at home.
  • Easy steps on how to stop procrastination immediately.
  • Excellent tips to ensure that you eliminate the procrastination habit out of your system for good.

And a whole lot more!


A complimentary audio book is included.

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