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DNA Repair


Solfeggio Solutions Frequency 528Hz – MI

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Modern relaxation music blended with ancient frequencies of ‘Solfeggio’.

These frequencies are known to have great healing and spiritual powers along with the ability to affect matter and consciousness.

Solfeggio frequencies make up the original six tone scale Ut-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La. These notes gave way to the seven ascending notes Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti that we are familiar with today. However, the original notes were used in sacred chants and hymns, including the popular and soothing Gregorian Chants.

These special tones, now mixed with beautiful contemporary relaxation music, are said to provide great spiritual blessings, balance your energy and keep your mind, body and spirit in perfect harmony.

DNA Repair – Solfeggio Solutions Frequency 528Hz – MI

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