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Tarot, I Ching and Angel Readings



* Your first and last name, and your date of birth, is required for this tarot reading.

32 Tarot Card Full In-Depth Reading

Tarot cards have been used for centuries by many people worldwide to reveal future trends and possibilities and guide them when making decisions.

Tarot Readings provide extremely useful insights, predictions and advice, giving you the opportunity to steer your life away from potentially negative experiences towards positive outcomes.

+ I Ching Oracle for Advice and Spiritual Guidance

The I Ching, usually translated as Book of Changes, is an ancient Chinese divination text and among the oldest of the Chinese classics.

Three coins are cast, six times, to create a hexagram that correlates to a passage of ancient text.

The I Ching provides contemplative guidance for correct decision making, as informed by Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism.

Now over 2,800 years old, the I Ching is still in popular use today and trusted by wise souls around the globe.

+ Angel Oracle for Guidance, Inspiration and Love

The Angel Oracle is a deck of 36 cards and similar to the well-known tarot. One card is selected, revealing spiritual messages from angelic or higher universal forces that are helping you at this time, often from behind the scenes.

The Angels offer Guidance, Inspiration and Love to soothe your mind, calm your emotions and heal your spirit, enabling you to reconnect with your own power and enter into harmonious union with the divine.

Latest estimated delivery date: Friday, 21st February 2025.
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