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The Astral World


Exploring The Astral Plane – Find a new world of experience by developing true astral vision.

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Every student of occultism soon discovers that the astral plane is the scene and field of some very strange phenomena. As he advances, and learns more of the occult laws and principles, he develops still greater interest in the subject. And, when he reaches the stage in which he is able to actually sense (by astral vision) on this plane, he finds that a new world of experience has opened out before him.

Enlightening topics include:

  • The seven planes
  • Astral regions
  • Reality of the astral
  • Passing the border
  • Some lower sub-planes
  • Disembodied souls
  • Scenes of the astral
  • Life and work on the astral
  • Higher planes and beyond
  • The astral light
  • Astral entities

The Astral World – Exploring The Astral Plane – Find a new world of experience by developing true astral vision.

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