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Ripping Loose or Calming Down


Transform the deadly effects of your anger and raging emotions into an extremely positive experience!

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Anger is a very strong emotion. And if you don’t know how to deal with it, it can overcome you like a dark cloud on a sunny sky.

When you get angry, your psychological outlook and biological structure changes. You feel all the harmful things associated with anger such as high blood pressure, dimmed reasoning, and tension, among many this is the reason why you should deeply consider proper anger management. It allows you to turn anger, as a negative emotion, to something positive – something that could help you instead of break you!

Anger management seeks to lessen the damaging emotions caused by anger and all the physiological aggravation associated with it. Without anger management, you will just make yourself and other people suffer, instead of actually addressing the situation at hand.

What can you learn from this book?

  • What anger really is and how it can affect your life.
  • The major causes of anger.
  • The idea why humans do have the need to be angry.
  • The danger when anger transforms into a negative emotion.
  • The reasons why all of us needs to know proper anger management.
  • Why some people copy other people’s anger.
  • The main goal and purpose of anger management.
  • How anger management works and why it is very effective.
  • The people that can help you handle your anger.
  • Factors that influence the outcome of anger management.
  • The different techniques used in anger management.
  • How to gauge your anger.
  • The right way to relax when you are angry.
  • What Cognitive Restructuring is and its role in anger management.
  • The different ways on how you can find solutions to your anger.
  • The role of humour and its importance in defusing anger in certain situations.
  • How to enhance the channels of communication and address anger positively.
  • The proper way to adjust to the environment so as not to be destructively angry.
  • Timing and anger management.
  • How to avoid being angry.
  • The different alternatives you can use to distract you from being angry.
  • When you should seek counselling.
  • How to train yourself to be assertive enough not to be angry.
  • Time management and how it is used in relation to anger Management.
  • The critical ways on how you can learn to forgive.
  • The use of faith to eliminate all problems associated with anger.
  • How to determine if you anger is truly under control.
  • The right way to act if chronic outburst continues despite managing your anger.
  • The right things you should do if an angry person confronts you.
  • Answer to the question of whether anger is inherited or not.
  • The link between video games and anger.

And a whole lot more!


A complimentary audio book is included.

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