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The Rise of You


Start feeling better about yourself today! Learn how to quickly boost your self-confidence.

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“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.” – Goethe

Self-confidence, what is it?

  • Have you ever seen the joy and delight at being alive in a baby’s eyes and wondered how you lost that spark?
  • When you see someone who seems very self-confident, do you wonder what that person has that you don’t have?
  • Have you ever put off doing something you really want to do – writing a book or asking an appealing person out – until you feel better about yourself?
  • Are you successful in some ways but underneath still feel that you could be stronger and feel more confident?

This book will reveal how you can find so much confidence inside yourself that you will be able to be the person you have always wanted to be and do the things you most want to do.

You will learn what true self-confidence is and how to nurture yourself so that you stop the habits that sabotage you and start building the mindset that will grow your self-confidence.

Start feeling better about yourself today! Learn how to quickly boost your self-confidence.


A complimentary audio book is included.

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