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Be Your Own Psychiatrist


Treat your personality and behavioural problems using easy-to-apply, do-it-yourself psychological therapies!

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Some people have major personality problems like anxiety, depression, and extreme shyness that they would like to get rid of.

Some want to get rid of a personal problem that’s been bugging them. And others would like to enhance their personality, change their behaviour, and live a better life. Imagine how great it would feel to be able to treat yourself just like a real psychiatrist would.

All you need to know are the simple concepts and ideas behind the discipline! To become effective, you have to know the five main schools of therapy. These are the psychodynamic, cognitive, behavioural, humanistic, and eclectic.

What can you learn from this book?

  • Why therapy is essential for your well-being.
  • What the shrinks don’t want you to know.
  • Requirements before you use behavioural therapy.
  • How shrinks pick up “clues” from past events to understand the current relational or emotional patterns of the client.
  • What Eva Longoria did when she landed 1st runner up only in a beauty pageant that made her won the top spot the following year!
  • How to improve communication patterns.
  • Psychological methods to make your persuasive and negotiation efforts more convincing and effective.
  • Powerful relaxation techniques.
  • Key to regulating your own behaviour.
  • How to metamorphose into a person of success.
  • Effective psychological therapies to defeat fears, phobias, anxiety, stress, and depression.
  • Psychological techniques to become more assertive and develop your social skills.
  • How to cure personality disorders and eating disorders.
  • How to gear yourself for the pursuit of self-actualisation.
  • Sample conversations of therapy applications.
  • The first step to healing.
  • The reasons why you need a psychiatrist.
  • The most effective psychological treatments being used today.
  • The most popular types of psychological therapies.
  • How to choose the right treatment for you.
  • The different therapeutic techniques.
  • How psychodynamic therapy can enhance your well-being.
  • What transpires in a psychoanalysis treatment session.
  • The basic principles behind psychiatric therapies.
  • How to perform a self-help psychodynamic therapy.
  • How to condition yourself for a psychodynamic therapy session.
  • The basic principles of Rational Emotive Behaviour therapy.
  • The ways cognitive therapy is conducted.
  • Cognitive therapy in self-help mode.
  • The basic principles behind Behavioural Therapy.
  • What systematic desensitisation in a Vivo Exposure is.
  • Self-help behavioural therapy and its applications.
  • Humanistic therapy, its principles and applications.
  • The eclectic approach to therapy.
  • How to successfully connect with yourself.
  • The right way to connect to others.

And a whole lot more!


A complimentary audio book is included.

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