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Money Chakra Secrets


You attract goodness and positivity for as long as you maintain perfectly aligned chakras.

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Discover the secrets to unlocking the full potential of your chakras for a life filled with abundance, wealth, optimal health and unlimited energy.

Imagine living in a house without doing any cleaning whatsoever in many years. No sweeping of the floor. No change of bed sheets. Not even doing the dishes after use. Now, I don’t have to tell you how bad it is but not even your friend or relative would dare to enter your house – no matter how hard you persuade them. Worse yet, these sort of environment will attract pests and sickness into your house. Like it or not, this is what most people’s approach is when it comes to maintaining their inner chakras. Not that they are at fault, but not many people believe in chakra, and most of us probably wouldn’t even know of its existence.

If you are experiencing any of these…

  • Potential clients seems to “shy away” or reluctant to do business with you.
  • Your colleagues or bosses always throw their anger and rage at you.
  • Always feel like having bad luck all the time.
  • Getting sick easily.
  • Low energy that barely lasts you half a day.
  • Feeling of discomfort surrounding your whole body.
  • Easily agitated by even the slightest disagreement or confrontation.
  • Never feel like you are good enough.
  • You find yourself to be overly attached to other people, especially when it comes to romantic relationships.
  • Not having the courage or confidence to voice out what you think is right in meetings or in a discussion.
  • And money concern always circulates inside your head on a daily basis.

Then you probably have a quite “messy house” or what most spiritual gurus called “chakra imbalance”.

Money, health, joy, happiness – all of these are just like friends or relatives who won’t dare to come into your house unless you clean it or keep it organised.

Scientists carried out a study on subjects ranging from the rich and wealthy to people struggling financially and worries all the time… and what they came out with is startling.

Using a technique called Kirlian photography, they are able to measure a person’s chakra from the aura field that the person emits. Their finding shows that the person with a perfectly round aura field lives a life of abundance and riches. While on the other end of the spectrum, the people who worries and struggle financially has an incomplete aura field.



Even though everyone was born with a perfect set of balanced chakras, they are constantly bombarded by various elements that slowly corrode their chakras as they grow up. Things like parents fighting among each other or tiny arguments between siblings, and even a simple negative comment on social media. All these little things are enough to throw their chakra off balance. Not to mention the daily stresses that a lot of people face from their work and business.

The reality is, any sort of situation will cause an imbalance to a person’s chakras.

Some of your chakras can be “overly-activated” while others could be balanced and you have 7 chakras to take care of. However, the most damaging form of chakra imbalance is when your chakras experience blockage or leakage. If you have any of these, you will certainly invite illness, misery and prevent wealth from ever manifesting into your life.

So, if you’re not attracting money and wealth into your life… or experiencing true joy and happiness… or optimal health… or any of the symptoms mentioned above… then you should take a serious look at your inner chakras, else you will keep attracting the same situation over and over again. Fortunately, there is a way to protect yourself against all these chakra-damaging elements, and heal your chakra imbalance with a few simple practices.

Here’s what you will discover inside:

  • The truth and inner workings of your 7 chakras, and how they are keeping you from achieving your deepest desire or financial goals.
  • Learn how each chakra corresponds to your money making decision which either causes you to remain poor or attract more money into your life.
  • A list of powerful no-cost and unique techniques to heal every single one of your chakras – in as little as 20 minutes a day.
  • Learn how to “feel” chakra imbalance, blockage or hyperactivity and how to get them back to a balanced state.
  • Understand what is causing chakra leakage and how to heal them.
  • Which chakra to unblock for healthy sex, creativity, and passion.
  • Learn exactly how chakras can heal you in body, mind, and spirit.
  • Learn several ancient techniques to strengthens your solar plexus chakra so you enjoy unbeatable willpower.
  • The amazingly simple steps you can do right now to heal a broken heart. Healing this chakra can free you from dependence upon others, and create personal independence.
  • Healing this particular chakra will enable you to command authority and control in your work, and attract more financial abundance into your life.
  • Discover the perfect food to consume to balance each of your chakras.
  • How to activate your third eye chakra for spiritual awakening to achieve highly sensitive intuition that will attract money making opportunity into your life.
  • The all-time most powerful technique to get all your chakras in perfect balance and alignment.
  • The ability to heal and energise yourself in mind, body, and spirit, anywhere and anytime, regardless of your unique personal situation or surroundings.
  • Understand the impact that all of the 7 chakras have on various levels of your life and how to heal and balance them utilising colour therapy.
  • And so much more…

You attract goodness and positivity for as long as you maintain perfectly aligned chakras.

A complimentary audio book is included.

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